M8136 (ECC802S) Pair Mullard box plates, copper posts. (V262/263)



  • NOS specs 
  • Copper getter post
  • Highly regarded sonics
  • Mullard Mitcham production
  • Box plates

1 in stock


Nice pair M8136 (ECC802S) twin triodes, Excellent condition, made by Mullard in Blackburn, UK

This is a pair M8136 tubes produced by Mullard in the sixties and seventies in Blackburn, United Kingdom. The tubes have so called box plates, which is considered superior to the conventional construction; see pictures. The getter is mounted on a copper post and the grids are on copper posts also.

The M8136 is the military long life ECC82 that was specially designed for the British forces.The tubes both look very nice and measure new; see test data! Very healthy tubes in deed with NOS specs! Tubes with matching systems; see test results.


The Mullard M8136 is highly regarded. I refer to the many threads on the web for more information. Very musical preamp valve, balanced and sweet sounding, softened without losing detail with liquid full midrange, recommended!

From the internetThe valve produces the most detailed mid-range response of any ECC82 type ever made. This trademark sound has led many audio reviews to state that this is the best of its type ever made. The valve has a super warm sound with plenty of mid-range detail. Indeed in our test reports the female vocal and string sections were simply stunning. Verdict of a buyer: The sound  is excellent – tight, spacey and clean, well balanced with a smooth top end.

Test results*

Valve 1


Ia (plate current):

Transconductance (Gm):

Gas test, Shorts test:

10,5/ 10,6 mA      

2,4/ 2,4  mA/V


=  NOS

=  NOS

Valve 2


 Ia (plate current):

Transconductance (Gm):

Gas test, Shorts test:

10,3/ 10,1 mA

2,4/ 2,4  mA/V





Where NOS is : Ia = 8,7 to 12,5mA, Gm= 1,9 to 2,7 mA/V.   Ia = 10,6 ± 1,9 mA. (Telefunken data sheet)


Short description

Tube type M8136, (ECC802S)
Quantity of Tubes One pair
Brand Mullard
Manufactured in Mitcham, UK
Dates Date codes:631 R 5K3 & 631 R 3L1)
Construction Box plates 
Getter Construction Halo getter & grid on copper post
Print Condition Nice; see pictures
Box included White box
Equivalent tubes:  12AU7, ECC802S, CV4003, 12AU7A, 6189, 7909
General test results  NOS 
Please read our test notes and shipping policy before buying !
For test methods and factory specification read the tube testing page.

Additional information

Weight 50 g
Dimensions 15 × 3 × 3 cm